The first HR tool focused solely on Succession Planning

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Key Role Dashboard

Succession planning tool that gives HR insights into Key Role details such as Candidate Readiness and Candidate Pool Health

Easily monitor Key Role status changes and set automated reminders to your Incumbent Managers to ensure your HR succession timelines are met. No more time wasted chasing updates with the help from our succession planning tool.

Candidate Details

Allows for easy sorting and ranking. No more excel spreadsheets!

A detailed view of all successor candidates and their readiness, skills transfer process and leadership match, development plans, comments, red flags, and more. Easily add external candidates as well when conducting handover planning.

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Succession planning tool that allows for easy identification of diversity gaps with detailed custom reporting

Know immediately when external hiring is needed and quickly identify where skill and leadership gaps exist - by location, division and even department level. This valuable business insight can be strongly achieved through the implementation of a succession planning tool for long-term workforce planning.

Executive Presentations

Convert your reports into Executive Presentations  to present at the next leadership meeting